Israel of GOD
Two Israels – satan’s Israel / satanist jews & GOD’s Israel / True Jews
Will GOD Protect satan’s Israel?
Are Christians Cursed for praying & blessing satan’s Israel naively
You Can Escape from The Coming Destruction
We Do Not Authenticate or Endorse Non-Biblical information. They are posted for your convenience. Please use your own discretion when perusing such material.
- ? Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss “We Cry for the Palestinians”
- ? The Late Dr. Lorraine Day – WARNING OF WHAT’S COMING
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How Accurate Is The Bible?
Future Prophecies in The Bible Guaranteed to happen
- There are over 300 prophesies / predictions by GOD that JESUS CHRIST will come and do certain things written hundreds of years before HE actually came.
- For 8 of any of these prophesies to come true, the chances are 1 in 100 quadrillion, ie 1 x 1017.
- JESUS CHRIST fulfilled every one of the 300 over prophecies.
- These predictions/prophecies now say what JESUS CHRIST is going to come and do next. Therefore, it will happen. ALMIGHTY GOD is saying the JESUS CHRIST is going to come and destroy the wicked.
- ALMIGHTY GOD gets angry because HE let HIS SON suffer and die and rise again for the sin of mankind, yet those who reject JESUS CHRIST, JESUS CHRIST will reject them. Those who rejected JESUS CHRIST will not be saved.
- JESUS comes and takes those believers out before the anti-CHRIST is released. Then when all the nations gather to destroy true Israel, JESUS CHRIS comes and destroys billions of HIS enemies.In the Valley of Megiddo, the Battle of Armageddon, there is a prediction that even the blood coming from this destruction will rise to the bridle of horses.
- As everyone is told these predictions will happen, so please accept JESUS CHRIST suffering on the cross to wash away your sins. ALMIGHTY GOD gets angry when HE sacrificed His own Son and there are people who do not admit that they have sinned and that they need GOD to save them.
2 Timothy 2:12 Authorized (King James) Version
…if we deny him, he also will deny us:
Matthew 10:33 Authorized (King James) Version
33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Important Prayers
Emergency Prayer – when in fear & confusion
Receiving Blessings from Lord JESUS CHRIST – Repentance Prayer
Other Resources
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